How do I join?
To become a member, simply contact the RAMSAK Office or complete our Initial Membership Form and email it to us. We will then be in touch to find out more about your farm and/or rural business. The more information that you can supply about your business, the more we will be able to help promote you and ensure you receive appropriate supplier opportunities as well as supplies and services relevant to you as a customer. Once this has taken place, we will ask you to complete a Full Application Form, Direct Debit Mandate, Credit Check Form. We will then invoice you for your share and first year’s subscription.
How much does Membership cost?
Every member owns a share in RAMSAK Ltd. which costs £50.00. On termination of membership the share is cancelled and any sum paid up thereon forfeited. Members pay an annual subscription. There are 2 types of membership:
£130.00 + VAT per annum Full Membership
£75.00 + VAT per annum Associate Membership
Supplier Membership can be seen as either a cost-effective form of annual advertising, reaching a large and specialist market, or an insurance against breakdown and sickness. In reality, most Members will find they can take advantage of Full Membership, with the advantages of supplier membership together with special offers and discounts from Suppliers available to Full Members only.